jueves, 17 de septiembre de 1998


Verse fast I:
I have signed a contract with the death
I know that it's impossible to break
They have said my illness has no cure
Yeah I know that I will die for sure

The time is running faster
I don't know what to do
Maybe infect a few
I have a counter inside of me
Why did she lie?
My life is passing by

Verse fast II:
She did not say one-of-us should then die
Liar liar liar... now I realize
Instead she said there was no point to worry about
Say goodbye 'cause in this world you're already out

--------------------------------- X ---------------------------------

Verse slow I:
I can't stop myself of asking and asking why me
I accept it's impossible to survive
Ohhhh / I will surely die

Verse slow II:
Now I live every minute of my life
I appreciate your mercy I'm dead but I'm still alive


lunes, 14 de septiembre de 1998



Verse A1:
You've got to fight
Doing so you will be alive
You've got to avenge
The ones that have been murdered under your name
It's not your life
It's about hundred of lives before
You're asking why
Asking why 'cause it has nothing to deal with you

Chorus A1:
I can't deny the choice is mine
What's my reply, I've got to decide
I realize to run like mice and to fear and hide

Verse A2:
You is know is doomed
The blood that runs through your veins
Now can you see?
The hatred that carries on your name
You cannot fear
You cannot fear the ones who are going to come
So are you tough?
'Cause vendetta's gonna be your epitaph

Chorus A2:
I want to give up, such as a rat
Let's face the truth, no chance to lose
They come for you, because the name you freaking use


Verse B1:
The only way it can be
No more for me
It's all that I can see
Blind at all...

Verse B2:
Of the ones who bring your name
All are the same
Today is judgement day
Go on, escape...

Verse B3:
Seeking across the land
No boundaries for them
They are like a plague
Got to smash

Chorus B:
Now it's time to do, to act, to move
Never try to escape or go away
Since we're here you must fear, you can't resist
(1) 'Cause Vendetta can't never FORGIVE!!!
(2) 'Cause Vendetta can't never RESIGN!!!
(3) 'Cause Vendetta can't never RETREAT!!!


sábado, 12 de septiembre de 1998

Carroña de Sueños


¿Son tus sueños los que caen
Molestando a mi oídos?
¿O es el ruido del detalle
de la angustia y del olvido?

¿Qué futuro hoy le espera a uno más de los caídos?
Devorado en el sistema, devorado y carcomido
Por el buitre que no vuela por tanto haber comido
Por el buitre que hoy espera que nos quedemos dormidos

¿De quién son las esperanzas
que llueven allá afuera?
Y que riegan otros sueños
esperando a que me muera

¿Qué pasó con esa vida que dormido yo perdiera!
¿Qué pasó con esa muerte que solo mira y espera!
¿Qué pasó que hoy no viene a arrancarme de este sitio?
O será que no me ha visto reclamar el sacrificio

Abre tus ojos, yo te espero
La muerte viene, no tengas miedo
Abre tus ojos, no te duermas
La muerte irá


Volver a Comenzar

Estrofa 1: Y otra vez estoy Tomando el trago amargo Fuente de decepción La culpa crece en mi interior Precoro: No importa el qué dirán  Siem...